2011-Jan-17 10:07 UTC
NAMM 2011
I managed to get myself "invited" to the 2011 NAMM show. It
was my very first time to NAMM and it was an excellent experience.
Lots of things and folks to see. But the most fun part for me was to
actually meet
Paul Gilbert
and get his autographs on two my favorite CDs of his!
I don't have much to say about the show, other than it was a great
deal of fun, and that I hope I will get "invited" again.
I would like to thank
for this year's invitation! =)
Here are some random photos I took at the show. Including of Steve
Vai, Ibanez guitars, photos from Remo's booth, interesting guitars
and violins,
guitar synth, 30th anniversary Fairlight synth, retro gear, interesting
folks in costumes: a lady in pick-dress, another in a dinosaur-like
outfit, a very cute viking girl ;)
... and of course PAUL-FREAKING-GILBERT!!!
ALL PHOTOS COPYRIGHT © 2011 sidster.com
... sidster